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White Belt is the first belt in the Taekwondo system. Belts are counted backwards; there are a total of 8-color belts in the World Taekwondo Federation, so this is known as the 8th Gup. At Stone Mountain Taekwondo Academy, we have 16-belts. Therefore, White Belt is the 16th Gup. White Belt represents potential. The new student is a clean slate with all the potential of what he or she may be come ahead of them.
• Front Snap Kick
• Round House Kick
• Side Kick
Sitting Stance
1. Left Down Block, Right Middle Punch
2. Right Down Block, Left Middle Punch
3. Left Outer Forearm Block, Right Middle Punch
4. Right Outer Forearm Block, Left Middle Punch
5. Left High Block, Right Middle Punch
6. Right High Block, Left Middle Punch, YELL!
Poomse, or "Form" in English, is the crux of traditional Taekwondo. The Tae Geuk Poomses are practiced internationally by all Olympic Style Taekwondo Schools. As such, they are the most important part of our curriculum. Tae Geuk Il Jang consists of 18-steps. Ages 7 and under require six (6) steps. Ages 8 and over require twelve (12) steps. Please see the video below.
From Ready Stance:
1. High Block
2. Tiger Stance and Block to the Left
3. Tiger Stance and Block to the Right
4. Low Block
5. High Block and Yelling!
6. Step forward with the Right Leg and Fighting Stance
7. Slide forward 3-times and do 3-Natural Swings with the Right Hand and Slide Back Three Times and 3-Natural Swings
8. Right Leg Back and Left Leg Forward Fighting Stance.
9. Slide forward 3-times and do 3-Natural Swings with the Left Hand and Slide Back Three Times and 3-Natural Swings
10. Return to Ready Stance and YELL!
From Fighting Stance:
Steps Forward with Right Foot and Punches with Right Hand:
Step back with Right Leg
Left Hand Down Block
Right Hand Middle Punch and YELL!
From Fighting Stance:
Steps Forward with Right Foot and Lunges with the Knife in the right hand towards the defenders belly:
Slide back, keeping the right foot in front.
Block and grab with both hands, thumbs on top.
Right leg step forward and across turning under the attacker's arm.
Left leg step back pulling the knife into the attacker's belly and YELL!
From a Natural Stance (hands at side):
Steps Forward with Left Foot and Grabs the Defenders Right hand with their Left Hand:
Step forward and across with the right foot, pronating the right hand and taking out from the attacker's grip.
Readjusting the right foot, step back to the right, but keep the right foot forward, squaring up with the opponent. As you do this, left hand punch to the solar plexus and YELL!
Student must break a board with Hammer Fist.
1. Middle Punch - 몸통 지르기 - Mohmtong Jireugi
1. Down Block - 아래 막기 - Areh Makki
2. Outer Forearm Middle Block - 몸통 안 막기 - Mohmtong Ahn Makki
3. High Block - 얼굴 막기 - Oolgool Makki
1. Front Snap Kick - 앞 차기 - Ahp Chagi
2. (Front) Roundhouse Kick - (앞) 돌려 차기 - (Ahp) Dollyo Chagi
3. Side Kick - 옆 차기 - Yap Chagi
1. Front Stance - 앞 굽이 - Ahp Koobi
2. Sitting Stance - 주춤 서기 - Juchum Sugi
3. Walking Stance - 앞 서기 - Ahp Suhki
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